One doesn’t often get the opportunity to see a band that has made a difference in the history of music. The band X is certainly one of those bands and they are on tour now. X was a mainstay of the late 70’s Los Angeles punk scene. Unlike any of the other early punk bands, X still boasts the same lineup as it had when it began. X may be a bit long in the tooth these days but they don’t lack the energy and enthusiasm of their youth.
The band Skating Polly opens the shows with a bang. Consisting of step-siblings Kelli Mayo, Peyton Bighorse, and Kurtis Mayo, this band is highly talented and even more entertaining! This trio is influenced by bands such as X, Veruca Salt, The Breeders and other female led powerhouses. Skating Polly’s is both aggressive and melodic. Their performance makes fans out of newcomers and delights those who are return customers. One of the most unique aspects of the band is that the members change instruments several times over the course of their set while Kelli and Peyton trade off lead vocals. These youngsters are a band to watch as they deserve more notoriety. This X tour reiterates the old saying, go see opening bands, one never knows where they will be in the future!
X takes the stage next and rips through a set of mostly popular songs from their catalog. There are a few songs that singer / bassist John Doe describes as “deep cuts.” Some of those deep cuts see drummer DJ Bonebrake come out from behind his kit and play the vibraphone. Guitarist Billy Zoom takes a couple of spins on the saxophone as well. This combination is certainly a rarity at a punk rock show! Singer Exene Cervenka belts out her vocals with a still powerful yet whimsical delivery.
A majority of the set was high speed punk with songs such as “Johnny Hit & Run Paulene” and “Year 1”. Occasionally, they slow things down without bringing down the mood. With songs such as “Adult Books” and “More Fun In The New World” the tempo slows but the energy keeps flowing. “More Fun” sees Skating Polly’s Kelli Mayo return to the stage to sing the chorus with Exene. One could tell that the pair enjoys sharing the mic with one another.
The band sounds every bit as fresh and tight as they did when their first album, “Los Angeles” was unleashed on the unsuspecting masses in 1980. For several years, Billy Zoom had departed the band for personal reasons. After rejoining X, some health issues have also kept him down. However, it’s hard to imagine X without this crowd engaging charter member. While they all have done various side projects, nothing can compare what they are collectively. They prove it time and time again whenever they take a stage. While some shows may be a bit more energetic than others (no different than any other band) they always deliver the familiar X sound with a passion that younger bands could learn from. X are truly legends of the punk rock world!
Upcoming tour dates can be found here.