Shaw Davis and the Black Ties recently played at South Street City Oven and Grill in Naples. The South Street crowd loves them so much that they’ve been added as monthly regulars.
Shaw puts everything he has into his shows and his playing is absolutely incredible! Add the talent of Patrick Stevenson on the low end and backing vocals with Bobby Van Stone on the drums and you have one powerful trio!
Shaw Davis & The Black Ties have created a serious buzz in the blues-rock community that is a force to be reckoned with. Don’t miss your chance to catch the band in action! Shows and Tour Dates available at shawdavisblackties.com
South Street City Oven & Grill is not your typical rock bar nor is it a large venue. What they are is a great place with some of the best food that allows you the opportunity to get up close and personal with your favorite acts from various genres. We love this place and the people and we try to get here as often as we can!! You can check out South Street on Facebook as well as their website: www.southstreetnaples.com