It was billed as a co-headline tour with Nothing More and Asking Alexandria taking the spotlight. However, Asking Alexandria’s lead singer Danny Worsnop came down with laryngitis and the band had to sit out the show in Wallingford CT’s Dome at Oakdale. Fans didn’t seem to mind as the theater was filled and there was an air of excitement. They were lining up to get in well before doors were set to open which is a good sign. That always signifies an enthusiastic crowd and this night was no exception!
Eva Under Fire was the first band to take the stage. The band started out in Detroit in 2015. They are touring on their 2022 full-length release, “Love, Drugs & Misery”. These up and comers were very well received and the feeling was reciprocated. The band was clearly energized by the enthusiasm of their fans both old and those they had just made. Their modern hard rock sound has the aggressiveness of punk. This makes them fun to listen to as well as watch. Lead singer Amanda Lyberg (who also goes by Eva Marie) has a powerful voice and commands the stage. She is not one to stand in front of a mic stand and belt out her songs. No, she engaged the crowd with fist-waving and finger-pointing. This got the crowd engaged and energized as all good opening bands should!
When Amanda isn’t doing the rock and roll thing, she is a licensed outpatient psychotherapist. She primarily works in the areas of anxiety, depression, grief, and substance abuse recovery. While Music Madness Magazine generally doesn’t supply links to articles from other sources, we also have a responsibility to our readers to provide relevant information. Therefore, here is a link to an article in World News ERA penned by Amanda regarding substance abuse. We at MMM want to see all of our friends and those you all love to get help if you need it. It’s a tough step to take, but a valuable one.
Hardcore metal fans took delight when the next band hit the stage. Formed in California in 1998, Atreyu seems to be one of those bands that is always on tour to the delight of their fans. Their shows are full of energy from start to finish and this evening was no exception. Lead singer Brandon Saller continues to cement his place as the lead singer of the band he was once a drummer for. Dan Jacobs and Travis Miguel traded killer guitar licks as they moved back and forth across the stage. Bassist Marc McKnight’s beard flowed wildly as he kept time with drummer Kyle Rosa. As always, Atreyu delighted their fans with a set full of powerful songs. As they were not headlining, they packed the energy of a full-length set into a shorter time span. It was enough to make any metalhead thrilled to be there.
Headliners Nothing More have been categorized as a variety of styles. Hard rock, prog rock, and heavy metal to name a few. No matter what you call them, they are 100% fun! They’ve been bopping around the music scene for almost 20 years after forming in San Antonio, Texas. Running through a variety of band members, they seem to have fallen upon the right band chemistry. As a result, they have turned heads in the music industry and gained a legion of dedicated fans.
Nothing More is drumming up some big interest in their forthcoming album due out later this year (hopefully). They’ve released a couple of singles so far. In March the band dropped ” Turn It Up Like (Stand In The Fire)“. This bass and drum-heavy track is a take on society and the control the internet/media has on it. They followed it up with April’s “Tired of Winning” which is an anthem to questioning and not merely accepting. These two songs are a clear indication that the band is attempting to get their fans to think for themselves. Too many have become “sheeple” in recent years and it’s time to break out of that and regain control of our lives!
The band is as engaging as their music. Frontman Jonny Hawkins is a wild man who rarely remains in one spot for long. The culmination of his wildness is when he rides the scorpion tail. It’s the creation from the mind of band bassist and mad scientist, Daniel Oliver. This is a 400-pound, 14-foot-tall piece of machinery that rises and writhes about with Jonny on it. In short, it’s not only a wild theatrical display, it allows Jonny to manipulate the band’s sound using a series of levers through a musical instrument digital interface. It’s a big part of the show as the crowd went wild whenever Jonny took to the air.
The tour runs through mid-June. These bands deserve your attention so get out and see them perform. The remaining tour dates as well as future Nothing More festival dates can be found HERE.