Skinny Lister is Pure Fun!

 Skinny Lister is a band from England that a few fortunate US folks know about. They just finished a headlining tour but they’ll no doubt return for another must see run of shows! As well as performing as headliners, they’ve played Van’s Warped Tour and opened shows for the likes of Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, and even Boy George!

Formed in London in 2009, these plucky and energetic musicians have as much fun on stage (and amongst the crowd) as their audience. Music Madness got to catch one of the last shows of their latest tour when they landed at Space Ballroom in Hamden, Connecticut. Rather than looking tired and haggard after playing a number of shows, they hit the stage with a vigor that never wavered. They had to alter their tour last minute when, unfortunately, Flogging Molly had to pull off of their annual Salty Dog cruise and Skinny Lister was asked to fill in. Unfortunately a few Midwest shows had to be cancelled but no doubt, their Midwest fans will get to see them in the future. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

Skinny Lister plays a brand of music described as shanty punk which is also the name of their critically acclaimed 2023 release. For the uninitiated, shanty punk is a unique blend of old world sea shanty-like songs with the energy and excitement of punk rock. Songs aren’t always high speed as “Damn The Amsterdam” or “Shout it Out” show, but they are always delivered with power and spirit. Then you have songs like “This Is War” and “Down On The Barrier” that are higher paced gems that really get the crowds moving!

Skinny Lister engages their audiences each and every show. In Hamden, they passed a ceramic flagon filled with rum around the crowd which gave a sailing vessel feel while bringing fans together in a memorable concert experience. Members often leaned over the edge of the stage while singing, or perhaps shouting, to make the fans feel as though they were part of the show. Front woman, Lorna Heptinstall went out into the revved up crowd and took on all comers to arm wrestling matches on the backs of other enthusiastic fans! She also graciously greeted folks at the merch stand after the show taking time to truly engage folks in conversation rather than hurrying them along. 

With their tour at an end, we in the US are left wondering when Skinny Lister will return. Hopefully they will not leave us hanging for very long. They do have a number of European dates planned and you can check them out HERE.  In the meantime, they will be releasing their 7th full length album, “Songs From The Yonder” which will no doubt be as enjoyable and as memorable as its predecessors. You can  head over to their website and pre-order you copy NOW!

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